Inequity Edu

Inequity is a blight on our American Society, and we gain nothing by playing the blame game. Although countless attempts have been made to resolve social and economical inequities, they are still widespread. While it is true that many of the underprivileged have succeeded in carving out their piece of the American Dream, they are the exceptional ones. Inequity is our problem. It is an American problem that we must resolve.

At what age does a child reach the age of reason and begin to grasp the world around them and what life is all about.? Is it 14, or 16, or maybe 18? What must it be like to reach this point in life and realize that you are just starting out in life and underprivileged? That you are already behind? That you are poorly educated and have limited opportunities?

The young men have good reason to be angry!
Education is privilege; Poor education is underprivileged.

Can anyone deny it?