Quality Charter Schools have “closed the racial gap in education.” Proving that it can be done. CLDI seeks to go ten steps further. Tom Sowell addresses some of the enemies of charter schools. There are also enemies of technological advances and enemies of our nation under God.
New York City charter schools that have had no capacity to end poverty or racial concentrations of minority students have nevertheless closed the racial gap in education.”
By Tom Sowel
We can do better
!Enemies of Technological Advances
Some of the enemies of advances in technology are the for-profit companies providing technology to our schools. Their primary objective is to make a profit. Their systems are designed to please school teachers and administrators. Systems adapted to the old school model, easy to use, and easy to incorporate. Give them what they want with little improvements every year to keep the dollars coming in for updates. Many companies are all doing their own thing while making millions.
There are similar systems available in the open-source community, but it takes work and research to find them and incorporate them. Because they are FREE there are no high-pressure salesmen selling them. It is much easier for government-funded schools to purchase high dollar priority learning systems with all their fancy bells and whistles. If one-fourth of this money was being invested in funding development of open-source systems the results would be substantially better.
For these reasons, CLDI will provide turn-key computer learning systems for school operators to utilize. Because these systems are open source any school operator can modify these systems and the learning programs and games as desired, or alternatively use the default systems and learning tools provided by CLDI.
The CLDI systems will be designed to support the learning at student’s own pace New School Model and all components thereof.